Enjoyable and Relaxing Quail Hunting Experience
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Fishing Creek Farms

Dedicated to creating enjoyable and relaxing hunting experiences for small groups of family and friends

The Fishing Creek Farms team is dedicated to creating enjoyable and relaxing hunting experiences for small groups of family and friends. In keeping with the farm’s beginnings as a family retreat, we believe in maintaining an intimate setting in which close friends can enjoy the true traditions of their sport by day and relax with a great meal, quality wine, and enjoyable conversation around the firepit by evening. Our hunts are never focused on trophies or numbers, but rather a relaxed and considerate environment for our hunters, their guests, and the wildlife.



Fishing Creek Farms was founded in 2002 by Rob Taylor with the goal of developing a private hunting farm for his family. Over time, the Taylor family has expanded their property lines and added lodging and dining facilities. In addition to the facilities, through persistent and progressive efforts, the wildlife habitat has continually improved which has allowed the family to extend their fabulous hunting opportunities to guests.

As they expanded, the Taylor family has developed a land management team and wingshooting staff to oversee the property and its quail population. Today, Fishing Creek Farms assists other landowners with development and management of their recreational properties, and winter quail hunts for guests.

Hunting InformationHunting Information Land Management InformationLand Management Information
CrownFCF Facts

located in Union Point, GA


dedicated to commerical quail hunting

Private Suites

for the exclusive use of your party

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Meet the Team
Come and visit us

We look forward to welcoming you and your party into our family

and we are delighted to assist you or other landowners with your wildlife and habitat management needs.